Getting started in politics: Scotland

1.5 – 2 hrs
Self-led (Kajabi)

For women in Scotland who want to be more active in politics but aren’t sure where to start.

At its best, politics is about trying to find the best way for us all to live fair, equal, decent lives and working together to make the world better for everyone. 

We have spent the past four years having conversations with thousands of women up and down Britain about the importance of having more women in politics and supporting women with the knowledge that they need to step forward on their political pathway. 

Getting Started in Politics is a direct response to this. For many women, the first step to becoming politically active is building knowledge on the different spheres of government that represent us and learning about their different roles and responsibilities. 

This self-led learning programme will support you to do just that. Each micro module will take between 5 and 20 mins to complete. At each stage you will be invited to make some personal reflections, complete some short activities or do some additional research. You can complete the programme at your own pace and in your time. We hope that by completing this course you will find out everything you need to know to get started and take your first steps towards becoming politically active. 

You’ll need an account with Kajabi to access this information, register here or click Login to continue.


Getting started in politics: England


Getting started in politics (BSL)