My Political Future

1.5 – 2 hrs
Self-led (Kajabi)

For those who want help to articulate their political goals and identify the steps they can take to achieve them.

No matter what goal you identify for yourself, we are here to support you to take your first steps on your political pathway and claim your power. 

We have spent the past four years having conversations with thousands of women up and down Britain about the importance of having more women in politics and supporting women with the knowledge that they need to step forward on their political pathway. 

My Political Future is a direct response to this. Through a series of personal reflections and conversations with other women with similar interests, our ambition for this programme is to support you to articulate your political goals and identify the steps you can take to achieve them. 

For some women this might mean embarking on a life as a political activist but for others it might be taking the first steps to stand as a political candidate. No matter what goal you identify for yourself, we are here to support you to take your first steps on your political pathway and claim your power. 

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Campaign in a Box


Heather McVey